When the strain of separation becomes too much and they need to see and hold one another, David Williams and his wife, Janeane Ardiel, meet in a sort of no man's land here just feet from a concrete boundary marker separating Canada from the U.S.
Married for five months, the couple - he American, she Canadian - are stranded on either side of the border, unable to cross into the other's country.
Canadian national Janeane Ardiel says being separated from her husband, U.S. national David Williams, by border officials has been an emotional torture.
The 45-year-old resident of Canada said she cannot travel into the United States anymore since the border authorities grew suspicious of her regular visits, accusing her of planning to reside in the United States and not simply visit.
Meanwhile, Williams has been unable to travel to Canada from Bellingham, Wash., because of a driving under the influence conviction that makes him inadmissible.
"It is like being severed from my lifeline," said Ardiel, who was blocked from entering the United States in July.
While Ardiel has begun the legal journey to gain legal U.S. status, she and her 45-year-old husband are stuck making due with daily phone conversations and regular meetings in Peace Arch International Park that straddles the two countries' borders.
"I can tell her I love her 100 times on the phone," Williams told the Times. "It's far different when I can do it looking into her eyes."
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